In the spirit of cooperation and mutual support, Bandera Electric Cooperative (BEC) has dispatched a crew of five skilled linemen to assist Rusk County Electric Cooperative (RCEC) with storm restoration efforts. This collaboration underscores the principle of "Cooperation among cooperatives," highlighting the importance of organizations supporting each other during crises.
Recent severe weather in Rusk County left many residents without power, necessitating a swift response to restore services. Understanding the urgency, BEC promptly organized a team of experienced linemen to repair and restore the damaged electrical infrastructure.
John Rush, BEC's Director of Operations, expressed pride in the cooperative's readiness to assist. "The extreme weather pattern that Texas has been experiencing the past several months has led to multiple electric cooperatives requesting assistance from their fellow co-ops. When Bandera Electric Cooperative received this latest notice of assistance required, our crews were instantly engaged and our responding employees made plans with their families for an extended absence. Our employees that remain in place took additional measures to ensure that electric service for BEC remained safe and stable to our members."
This joint effort between BEC and RCEC exemplifies the cooperative principle of mutual aid and cooperation, showcasing the profound impact of working together. As cooperatives continue to grow and evolve, "Cooperation among cooperatives" remains a cornerstone, ensuring that no cooperative stands alone in adversity. Through such collaborative efforts, co-ops can continue to provide reliable services and foster stronger, more resilient communities.